Cass Hill
Senior Rehabilitation Counsellor / NMAS MediatorÂ
Cass is an experienced Rehabilitation Counsellor and Nationally Accredited Mediator who is passionate about assisting people achieve their goals through provision of timely and individualised services. She focuses on assisting clients to re-establish their independence and sense of control over their lives to enhance their return to work outcomes and improve their quality of life.
As a Rehabilitation Counsellor, Cass works with clients and employers to facilitate a safe and sustainable return to work. She also works with clients who are unable to return to their previous role to provide upskilling and confidence building in all aspects of the transition to new employment.
As a Mediator, Cass ensures that all parties have an opportunity to be heard and to have their concerns and issues addressed within a safe and supported environment. She actively promotes the abilities of the parties to generate their own solutions and come to an agreement through facilitation of open discussion.
Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts (Psychology and Philosophy) | First Class Honours in Psychology | Bachelor of Education | PGAP Accredited | Return to Work Coordinator Trained | Mediation Trained
Memberships: Full Member – Australian Society of Rehabilitation Counsellors (ASORC)
Accreditations: NMAS (National Mediator Accreditation System)
Services: Mediation | Conflict Resolution | Career Coaching | Pain Education | Progressive Goal Attainment Program (PGAP) | Return to Work SA | Pre Injury Return to Work | Fit for Work | Restoration to the Community | Assessment Services (Suitable Employment Assessment & Vocational Counselling) | Life Insurance | Training