Pre-Injury Employer Services
The purpose of pre-injury employer services is to assist the client with a safe and sustainable return to work with their pre-injury employer. This may be in their pre-injury role or in another suitable role with the same employer. The service is tailored to the specific circumstances of the client and takes their needs and limitations into consideration. This  involves communication with the client, the employer, the referring agent and the treating medical practitioners to resolve any barriers that would impact on a return to pre-injury employment and ensure the best outcome for the injured person. The focus is on returning the client to their maximum work capacity, ideally their pre-injury hours and role.

Level 1 Intervention Service
A Level 1 Service entails a detailed assessment of the situation, barriers and opportunities. The worker and employer are assisted to identify suitable duties and workplace modifications or equipment are recommended. This service includes the completion of a task analysis of the pre-injury role and available duties as well as the development of a graduated return to work plan where required. Suitable return to work arrangements are established and agreed on by the client, employer and treating doctor. Level 1 service is completed within 10 business days of the referral date.

Level 2 Intervention Service
Level 2 Intervention Services are recommended when further support is required to facilitate a worker’s full return to work.  During the level 2 service all parties are supported to implement the return to work arrangements and continue to resolve barriers to achieving the return to work goal. Ideally, the goal is for the client to return to pre-injury hours and then transition to pre-injury duties.

A referral for a PIE Service can be made when:

  • the client is in receipt of income support at the time of referral, and
  • where there are barriers to achieving a return to the pre-injury duties and/or hours that require expert assistance to resolve, and
  • where there is information (including medical evidence) indicating that a return to work outcome with the pre-injury employer is achievable.

A referral directly to PIE Level 2 Service can be made when:

  • return to work arrangements have already been agreed on by all parties, and further assistance is required to manage this process.
580 Marion Road, PLYMPTON PARK SA 5038
307 Peachey Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115

Contact Us
(08) 8293 6783