We would like to welcome our two students from Flinders University, Far and Candice to our Adaptive Workplace Solutions team for the next few months while they complete their final placements with us. They are both in their fourth and final year of a Bachelor in Disability and Developmental Education with a major in Rehabilitation Counselling. They will be shadowing our staff members to learn as much as they can about the role, while also engaging in their own projects throughout their placements. They will both be involved in as many different aspects of the role as they can, including meetings with clients, Return to Work Specialists / Case Managers, employers, medical treatment providers and case conferences, so please make them feel very welcome!
My name is Far Boonkun and I’m currently in my last year of my Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education with a major in Rehabilitation Counselling. I have been on placement with Adaptive Workplace Solutions for several weeks now, shadowing various staff members to learn and absorb anything and everything about rehabilitation services for the Return to Work SA system.
I am passionate about helping people and providing support for people and people with disabilities in whatever area they need and require. I am currently juggling support work and bartending but when I am not working or studying, I enjoy going to live gigs, stand up and drag shows, reading and I try to travel when I can! Although I just spent 5 months in North America and went to Thailand in April.
I am looking forward to learning the ins and outs of this area and am very excited to graduate this year!
Hi, My name is Candice and I am a 4th year student at Flinders University studying Disability and Developmental Education with a major in Rehabilitation Counselling. I have been fortunate enough to be offered a final placement at Adaptive Workplace Solutions initially starting out one day a week but soon extending to full time hours until the end of November.
During my time on placement I will be working on a couple of projects one of them being developing some easy-read resources to sit alongside the Progressive Goal Attainment Program Workbook and also developing some further resources for pain education.
My background is in disability services and I am passionate about supporting people with disability achieve their full potential. When I am not at work or studying I enjoy spending time at the gym, cooking, gardening and going out to dinner with my partner.